Poster of Nebula Mask Machine Man

Nebula Mask Machine Man

Seiun Kamen Machineman is a Japanese tokusatsu television series created by Shotaro Ishinomori and produced by Toei Company. It aired from January 13th until September 28th, 1984. It revolves around the adventures of Nick, a college student from the Ivy planet and his arrival on Earth to study the earthlings' behavior. Upon arrival, he is called in for the activities of the evil organization called "Tentacle", whose don, Professor K, wishes to eliminate all children in the world. Several of the series' aspects are rumored to have been inspired by American DC Comics superhero Superman, although this was never confirmed by either Ishinomori or Toei.



Cast and Crew

Nebula Mask Machine Man

Seiun Kamen Machineman is a Japanese tokusatsu television series created by Shotaro Ishinomori and produced by Toei Company. It aired from January 13th until September 28th, 1984. It revolves around the adventures of Nick, a college student from the Ivy planet and his arrival on Earth to study the earthlings' behavior. Upon arrival, he is called in for the activities of the evil organization called "Tentacle", whose don, Professor K, wishes to eliminate all children in the world. Several of the series' aspects are rumored to have been inspired by American DC Comics superhero Superman, although this was never confirmed by either Ishinomori or Toei.

Orignal Language




Episodes per Season



Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy



Release Data


Produced By

Toei Company

Streaming Network

tv asahi, Nippon TV

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